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Sun Devil Club


The Sun Devil Club staff works collaboratively with Sun Devil Club board members to execute the mission of Sun Devil Athletics. Various committees have been created to fully support the mission and goals of the Sun Devil Club. Each committee is assigned one staff member to work with the board member who chairs the particular group. The remainder of the committee consists of active board members. Current committees in operation are as follows:

Sun Devil Club Support

Audit and Tax

Chair: Mike Olsen
SDA Staff: Joe Hewitt

Board Nominations and Governance

Chair: Dean Jacobson
SDA Staff: Scott Nelson, Debbie Souza

Community and Memberships


Chair: Jeff Lowe
SDA Staff: Scott Nelson


SDA Staff: Kevin Miniefield


Chair: Chris Michaels, Jay Schneider
SDA Staff: Nathan Snyder


Football Banquet

Chair: Chris Barr
SDA Staff: Tom Collins

Sun Devil Stadium Utilizations

Chair: Jen Moser
SDA Staff: 

Wings of Gold

Chair: Lauren Stine; Vice Chair: Jenny Holsman-Tetreault; Past Chair: Patti Gentry
SDA Staff: Jacque Blaser, Debbie Souza

Fundraising Projects

Planned Giving

Chair: Jim Orders
SDA Staff: Danny Bellissimo

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