Tempe buttes

Sun Devil Club

Donor Spotlight: David Berkson

David Berkson image

Support of Sun Devil Athletics comes in many forms. David Berkson is a loyal supporter of the Sun Devil student-athletes and their well-being. Jacquie LeMarr recently caught up with David to share a unique story on a gift used to fuel the nutritional needs of the student-athletes.

Riddle us this, what do applesauce and Sun Devil success have in common? The pride that comes with being a Sun Devil is renowned for reaching far and wide. From coast-to-coast alumni never miss a chance to hold up the famous pitchfork hand sign and root for the Maroon and Gold no matter if they’re in the hills of a snowy mountain town or the sunny beaches of Southern California. One specific alumni of So Cal made it his mission to remind us that no matter where we live, the Sun Devil spirit connects us all.

An arrangement of Mott's applesauce

So, how did this American favorite snack help our Sun Devils in a time of need? While 2020 was filled with a lot of ups and downs, alumni enthusiast David Berkson helped find new and creative ways to keep our student-athletes healthy, focused and motivated. David, who works for Keurig Dr Pepper, has been influential in connecting the company with Sun Devil Athletics and in turn, providing our student-athletes support in a different way. Mott’s, a leading brand of Keurig Dr Pepper, stepped up when the pandemic hit and provided our student-athletes with applesauce, an important nutritional supplement. Sun Devil student-athletes rely on meals provided by the athletic department including gift-in-kind products, such as  applesauce, protein shakes, bananas, etc., to keep them at the top of their game.

“I have been fortunate enough through my work to help put products and programs together with the athletic department to help student-athletes." said Berkson. "We were happy to see that evolve this year and see the student-athletes enjoying Mott’s applesauce before and after their workouts as a nutritional supplement.”

Applesauce can be used in a variety of ways from an ingredient in a recipe to quick energy. To navigate a schedule that has them jumping from class to practice to meetings, planning ahead and maintaining nutrition is incredibly important to succeed.  

“Sun Devil Athletics isn’t going to compete the way everyone wants us to compete if we don’t have people donating and helping out," said Berkson. "There are several ways to do it. You can think outside the box like we have and can support in unique ways.” 

Woman pouring liquid into a blender

Applesauce and juice

David (’92) and his wife, Jennifer (’95), are both Sun Devil alumni. They reside in Southern California with their three sons who are passionate Sun Devil fans and hope to attend ASU one day. Since graduating, David has remained creative with his alumni involvement. David has been the chair the So Cal Golf Classic since the early 2000s which has included Sun Devil VIP’s, such as past and present ASU coaches and athletic directors. David describes it as a great way for Sun Devil’s in California to connect and deepen their relationship with Sun Devil Athletics.

“It’s a great day in Southern California for people to learn what is going on in Tempe. It’s amazing to see where it was and where it has grown," said Berkson. "It’s not just a fundraising event but an event that people look forward to every year. We all have an attachment to the place we went to school and we should support it as much as we can.”

From applesauce to a day on the links, David continues to show the Sun Devil community new and fun ways to get involved and give back.  

The Sun Devil Club would like to thank David for his continued support of Sun Devil Athletics. For more information on ways to get involved with the Sun Devil Club, please contact us.

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