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Sun Devil Club

Donor Spotlight: Sue & Jerry Gilbert

Jerry & Sue Gilbert image

Sue and Jerry have been longtime supporters of Sun Devil Athletics. We caught up with the couple and asked them a few questions about why they choose to support Sun Devil Athletics:

In what ways are you connected to ASU? We are primarily connected to ASU through athletics. We have been season ticket holders for football, basketball, and baseball for over 20 years….and we just made a five year commitment to support the new multi-purpose arena for hockey. Additionally, we have mentored several ASU students who work part-time where we live in Scottsdale.

What does it mean to you to be a Sun Devil and be a part of the Sun Devil Family? How does it help connect you with your community? We take great pride in our association with ASU. We believe Dr. Crow is by far the most talented University President in the country. As the most “Innovative University “ the past several years, we know the positive impact the school is having on our current and future quality of life.

Why do you think it is important to support student-athletes and Sun Devil Athletics? Student-athletes are like ambassadors for the university. The values they exhibit both in the classroom and on the playing field are a reflection of the university’s values. Dedication, hard work, honesty, reliability, dependability, integrity, and accountability are some of these values. By supporting Sun Devil Athletics, you support these values.

Why did you, and what motivated you (and your family), to create an endowment? Endowments are one form of a financial commitment to both the university and athletes. It says ‘I want to support you not just this year, but for several years.” It is money the school can count on to help achieve both short and long term goals.

What is your vision for your endowment? Our vision is that through an endowment commitment, we have helped in a small way the student-athlete fulfill his or her academic and athletic dreams and prepare them for a successful career post-graduation. It is very rewarding to know you have participated in this process.

Describe the most exciting game you have attended. Our 20+ years as multi-sport season ticket holders have provided us so many exciting experiences, it is difficult to identify the “one” most exciting. Those that immediately come to mind are the double overtime win in basketball over Arizona, the recent basketball win over #1 rank Kansas, the double overtime win in football against Arizona in Tucson, and last year’s winning touchdown football game over Washington State with just a few seconds on the clock. And the big win over Nebraska in 1996!

If you could have dinner with any Sun Devil student-athlete/coach/staff member from the past or present, who would it be and why? Jake Plummer, James Harden, and Dustin Pedoria. Each were the best in their respective sports while competing for the Sun Devils. I could add Coach Edwards to this list.

The Sun Devil Club would like to thank Sue & Jerry for their continued support of Sun Devil Athletics. For more information on ways to get involved with the Sun Devil Club, please contact us.

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