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Sun Devil Club

Jesse Ahearn Legacy Endowment

Jesse Ahearn

This endowment was established by a diehard Sun Devil, Jesse Aheam '99, with the goal of helping Sun Devil Athletics and the men's basketball program to elevate to its highest heights. His passion for ASU is evident and this agreement will cement that passion into a legacy with ASU in perpetuity.

This scholarship fund will be used to benefit ASU Men's Basketball and its educational purposes, including:

  • Tuition
  • Room and Board
  • Books

Please join the Jesse Ahearn in making an impact on the lives of Sun Devil Basketball student-athletes by donating to the Jesse Ahearn Legacy Scholarship today!

Your gift to the Sun Devil Club using the link below will directly impact the Jesse Ahearn Legacy Endowment! 

Thank you for your support! 

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