Tempe buttes

Sun Devil Club

Office of Student-Athlete Development

OSAD - Office of Student Athlete Development


The Office of Student-Athlete Development (OSAD) plays in integral role in the Sun Devil Athletic experience for our student-athletes.

Office of Student-Athlete Development Mission

To provide services, programming, and guidance that foster:

  • Academic Success
  • Development of Critical Life Skills
  • Graduation
  • Preparation for Life beyond Intercollegiate Athletics

We truly believe that every student-athlete who joins the Sun Devil Family has an incredible amount of potential for intellectual, career and personal growth, just as they do athletically. We must challenge our student-athletes to maximize their potential in ALL of these areas.

Through the generous philanthropic support of our donors, the Office of Student-Athlete Development is able to provide unique and dynamic opportunties that leaves a lasting impact our our student-athletes. Please click on the links below to gain a deeper understanding in the variety of programs offered to the student-athletes. 

OSAD Speaker Series

Tip of the Fork Program

Championship Life

Student-Athlete Branding Consulting 

To make your gift to the Office of Student-Athlete Development please use the link below to directly impact the lives of our Sun Devil Student-Athletes! Thank you for your support! 

Give now


To learn more about the Office of Student Athlete Development and others ways to support the student-athlete experience at Sun Devil Athletics, please reach out to the Sun Devil Club at sundevilclub@asu.edu or by phone at (480) 727-7700.

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