Sun Devil Club
Ways To Give
The Sun Devil Club accepts cash, checks made payable to the “Sun Devil Club” or “Sun Angel Foundation”, or credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover). Gifts to support an endowment account will be processed directly through the ASU Foundation and checks should be made payable to “ASU Foundation”. Gifts can be made online, in person, or through the mail and can be made to the scholarship fund or any other restricted or unrestricted program to accumulate priority points, establish membership level, as well as count toward priority seating and priority parking. Documents will be sent following the processing of the gift to properly thank the donor and provide receipts for tax purposes.
To facilitate a wire transfer, download this form and follow the instructions.
The Sun Devil Club offers the opportunity for a philanthropic investment to be pledged and fulfilled over a five-year period. Sun Devil Club benefits, priority points and associated rankings are provided based on gifts receipted (outright cash gifts and pledge payments) throughout each fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).
- If you make a commitment of $25,000 payable over 5 years, you will receive the points and benefits each time a pledge payment is received, not when the pledge document is signed. Benefits of a multi-year pledge may include:
- Allowing you to make a transformational gift while not becoming a financial burden in one calendar year.
- Providing the Sun Devil Club with tools needed to appropriately forecast expected philanthropic commitments for operational, capital, and project needs.
- Under the 2017 Tax Act, all donations that provide the right to seating at a home competition for Sun Devil Athletics are no longer deductible for tax purposes. Please consult your tax advisor for additional information.
Did you know that ASU gratefully accepts gifts of personal property that will benefit Sun Devil Athletics? Your donation makes a lasting impact for years to come.
- Gifts of securities – If you own securities, bonds or mutual fund shares you have held more than one year, transferring them to the Sun Devil Club or ASU Foundation may provide you with savings on capital gains and income taxes. Gifts of securities may be used to make outright gifts, to establish an endowment or to support a specific program or project.
- Download mutual fund form.
- Stock Transfer
Donors can elect to make a gift of stock to the Sun Devil Club and ASU Foundation. If a donor shows interest in this form of giving, their assigned development officer will need to work with the donor and their broker to properly fill out the stock intent and transfer form. Once the transfer is settled and the stock is sold, the donor is provided gift credit based on the average share price on the day the shares were received. The calculated gift amount can be placed in the scholarship fund or any Sun Devil Club restricted program as directed by the donor and is used to accumulate priority points, establish membership level, as well as count toward priority seating and priority parking. Documents will be sent following the processing of the gift to properly thank the donor and provide receipts for tax purposes.
Download stocks form.
- Stock Transfer
- Personal property
- Tangible: You may own items of value that can benefit Sun Devil Athletics mission while providing tax benefits to you. Rare books, works of art, unique collections and other items of value can all be donated as gifts.
- Intangible: By donating your intangible personal property, you can generate a sustainable flow of income for the Sun Devil Athletics program of your choice. Property such as copyrights, patents and mineral rights are all examples of this unique type of gift.
- Vehicle donation – The ASU Foundation’s Vehicle Donation Program allows you to donate your unwanted car, boat, motorcycle or truck in support of Sun Devil Athletics. Your vehicle donation may also qualify for a charitable tax deduction.
- Real estate – When you donate a home, vacation property, undeveloped land or income property to the Sun Devil Club or ASU Foundation, you leave a legacy and may qualify for capital gains or charitable tax deductions.
- Bargain sale – ASU can purchase your property for less than fair market value. In return, you receive cash and a charitable deduction for the difference between fair market value and purchase price.
- Closely held businesses – A gift of your corporate stock or assets can provide you with tax and income benefits and help further Sun Devil Athletics programs and initiatives.
For general questions about making a gift through assets to reduce and avoid income taxes, call 480-727-7700 or email sundevilclub@asu.edu
You can make a lasting impact with Sun Devil Athletics through gifts that also provide significant tax benefits.
- Donor Advised Fund (DAF) – This fund, like a charitable savings account, allows you to support multiple charities throughout the year with tax-deductible gifts. You may direct gifts from your existing DAF to support Sun Devil Athletics.
- IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) – When planning your IRA withdrawal strategy, you may make a charitable donation of up to $100,000. Starting at age 70 ½, gifts from your IRA can benefit Sun Devil Athletics while reducing your tax burden.
For additional information, call 480-727-7700 or email sundevilclub@asu.edu.
While current use gifts provide vital resources for the university today, deferred gifts help to shape and strengthen Sun Devil Athletics in the future. The documentation of your commitment allows Sun Devil Athletics to appropriately steward your commitment in the immediacy. Find out more about deferred and planned gifts through the Sun Devil Club Legacy Fund.
- Gifts from your will – With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will specifying a gift to family, friends or Sun Devil Athletics as part of your estate plan. Leave a lasting legacy with one of the simplest gifts to make.
- Gifts from your trust – Without reducing your assets during your lifetime, create a lasting and personal legacy with Sun Devil Athletics. Your advisor can guide you to include language in your trust specifying a gift to the university.
- Beneficiary of retirement assets – Among the most flexible of all charitable gifts, a beneficiary designation allows you to make a gift to support Sun Devil Athletics from your retirement assets. This option decreases the tax burden on you and your family.
- Beneficiary of life insurance – You can designate Sun Devil Athletics as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy. This gift is a simple and affordable way to support ASU while also decreasing your tax burden.
For additional information, call 480-727-7700 or email sundevilclub@asu.edu.
Through various types of charitable trusts and gift annuities, you can give a gift that offers you a secure income for life.
- Charitable trusts – Establishing a charitable trust provides Sun Devil Athletics with a sustainable gift, while allowing you to receive income and minimize taxes.
- Gift annuities – A charitable gift annuity allows you to transfer your cash or appreciated property to the Sun Devil Club or ASU Foundation in exchange for our promise to pay you fixed payments (with rates based on your age) for the rest of your life.
For additional information, call 480-727-7700 or email sundevilclub@asu.edu.
Area businesses may contribute their goods and/or services to Sun Devil Athletics as a form of giving. Hotel accommodations, food and beverages are highly valued examples of gift-in-kind items and are eligible for membership benefits, priority point accumulation, priority seating, and priority parking. Please contact a Sun Devil Club representative to assist you as gift-in-kind items must be approved by the Executive Director each instance to qualify for benefits. Documents will be sent following the processing of the gift to properly thank the donor and provide receipts for tax purposes.
For additional information, call 480-727-7700 or email sundevilclub@asu.edu.
Event registration fees may be applied to obtain membership status or add to an existing donation total to reach a specific giving level. A fair market value is placed on an event that includes the estimated cost of all goods and services provided to the donor as part of the entry fee. The fair market value is deducted from the entry cost and the difference is considered a donation to the Sun Devil Club and may be deductible as a tax donation. If any team (sport-restricted) events, such as golf tournaments or dinners, are managed without direct oversight from the Sun Devil Club, the events may not be counted toward Sun Devil Club credit. For a full list of our Sun Devil Club sanctioned events, please visit our events page by clicking HERE.
- Live Auction Items at Events: Sun Devil Club donors can establish membership status or add to their existing totals by making a live auction purchase at an official event. Prior to the auction, the fair market value will be displayed in writing and announced by the auctioneer and the difference may be considered a donation. The amount provided for membership status and priority points will equal the amount provided for tax documentation.
- Membership credit will only be provided to the person or household who owns the bidder number that purchased the item. Credit will not be divided if sold to a group.
For additional information, call 480-727-7700 or email sundevilclub@asu.edu.
Season tickets in Sun Devil Stadium for Sun Devil Football or in select sections of Desert Financial Arena for Sun Devil Men’s Basketball include an annual contribution to the Sun Devil Club in an amount determined by ASU Athletics. Under the 2017 Tax Act, all donations directly or indirectly providing seating rights at a Sun Devil Athletics game/competition hosted in a Sun Devil Athletics stadium/arena are not deductible for tax purposes.
Gifts or grants from the following sources may NOT satisfy the Season Ticket Seat Contribution in Sun Devil Stadium or Desert Financial Arena:
- Appreciated stock/securities
- Donor advised funds
- Private foundations
- Other charitable organizations
- Employer matching gift programs
- Individual retirement accounts (IRA) charitable rollovers
The Sun Devil Club and ASU Foundation may accept philanthropic donations from these sources.
Donors are encouraged to consult a tax advisor regarding their specific situation.
For additional information, call 480-727-7700 or email sundevilclub@asu.edu.
More than 600 companies will match a donor’s contribution to the Sun Devil Club or ASU Foundation through our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization status. A donor’s gift plus the matching portion from their company will qualify the donor for membership benefits and priority points at the combined level and amount. Due to most companies’ internal policies, matching gifts cannot be used to specifically pay for priority seating but do add to a donors giving level to meet requirements for reserved football parking lots. Donors are encouraged to visit their human resources department to see if their company matches charitable contributions. Documents will be sent following the processing of the gift to properly thank the donor for submitting a matching gift request to their company.
For additional information, call 480-727-7700 or email sundevilclub@asu.edu.