Tempe buttes

Sun Devil Club


2018 football season ticket holders have until May 15 to reach the 2018 Sun Devil Club minimum contribution levels for each available lot (see table below for minimum contribution breakdowns by lot). Minimum contribution levels must be reached in full by May 15 and can be reached through the payment of seat-related contributions and/or philanthropic gifts.

Visit Parking Central on thesundevils.com to learn about gameday parking at ASU.

Football parking map

Sun Devil Football parking spaces are assigned by giving level and priority point rank each season. Sun Devil Athletics has operated under the priority point ranking and seasonal parking reallocation system since 2011. 

Parking pass lots

For season ticket holders that would like to continue to park or tailgate with a group we have two options:

1.      The season ticket holder with the most priority points in the group can select a parking space and notify their group of their location
2.      The group can wait until the person with the least amount of points has access and select spaces together
The number of parking passes you can purchase is based on the total number of season tickets on your account. Please reference the chart below to determine the number of parking passes available to your account.:

# of Tickets # of Parking Passes
1-2 1
3-4 2
5-6 3
7-8 4
9-10 5
11-12 6
13-14 7
15-16 8


Accounts with more than 16 season tickets can purchase additional parking passes based on the same formula above. All access to parking is based on priority points and subject to availability.
For information on pricing for the upcoming season, please visit Visit Parking Central on thesundevils.com

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